Load Bank Control Systems
Utilising the latest in technological and software advances, Crestchic’s proprietry control systems allow users the ability to monitor a load test and to manage the load, by increasing or decreasing in 1kW/1kVA steps, allowing for unprecedented levels of finesse during the testing phase.
Below are three of the most popular control systems used across our range of load banks.
Basic Manual Controls
Featuring an easy to use push-button system, the basic manual controllers are perfect for simple pre-set load settings where little or no training is required.
KCS Load Bank Controller
Key Features
- Manual fixed steps load control
- Ultra simple factory pre-set load step control
- No external control system or connections
- Easy operator training
- Low cost
KCS Push button/dial control
The KCS controller is a simple, but efficient PCB multi-step stand-alone control system with 1kW steps
- KCS100H: Handheld for remote operation up to 100m
- KCS100L: Panel mounted on loadbank
- KCS100R: Flush mounted to remote genset panel control
- KCS100D: Optional load to zero upon receipt of mains failure signal
Microprocessor Controls
Utilising state of the art technology and software, the microprocessor controls allow a greater level of usability compared to the basic manual controls.
LC80 Load Bank Controller
Key Features
LC80 Controller – Orion software interface
The LC80 controller is an IP65 lightweight handheld field controller suitable for both AC resistive and resistive/reactive load banks, which operates our dedicated loadbank control software, Orion.
It works in-conjunction with bespoke industrial high-performance electronic control modules specifically designed for load bank operation. These modules are housed within the load bank enclosure which provides supervisory operation & monitoring of the load bank. Communications between each Orion load bank and their controller employs network technology to provide fast, high bandwidth data transfer capabilities. The LC80 benefits from connection to the load bank/s by means of super-fast fibre optic cable. With long distances of up to 500m possible with the need for signal boosting, and the total immunity to electrical noise interference, Crestchic’s fibre control is a natural choice for demanding industrial power testing environments.
The Orion control software can alternatively be operated on a standard Windows PC, running Windows 7, 8 and 10.
Nova controlled load banks have the following functions:
- AC loadbank control system for resistive/reactive or resistive-only operation
- Individual or multiple load bank operation from a single controller
- System extendible to control up to 15 load banks with proportional load-sharing
- Typical load resolution of 1kW/1kVAr across the load bank range
- Load-step synchronisation mechanism produces clean load switching, both within a single load bank and across multiple units
- Load entry in kVA, kW or Amps at power factors from zero to unity
- True r.m.s. 3-phase instrumentation with high speed data sampling to an accuracy of better than 0.5%
- Display of Ph-Ph or Ph-N voltages with kVA, KW and currents, both per phase and totalled
- Twenty user-definable preset loads stored in non-volatile memory
- Motor-Test facility for marine usage
- Automatic sequencing by the load bank of load profiles prepared from the preset loads by the user
- Transient response data for voltage and frequency recorded at each load-change. This is output to the PC/LC80 for graphical display and storage
- Test results report stored to PC hard disk
- Uploading of previously saved load profiles from the PC/LC80 hard disk
DC Battery Discharge
The reliability of battery back-up power is of paramount importance. Crestchic’s DC control system provides accurate management of battery discharge tests.
Corona Software
Key Features
Corona control system with PC or HHT100 interface
Corona is Crestchic’s state of the art software based control system for DC Load banks. It comprises of a high performance microprocessor housed within the load bank enclosure providing supervisory operation & monitoring, along with real-time data acquisition from the load bank instrumentation, coupled with either the HHT100 or a PC based interface.
- Multiple load bank control facility
- Typical 1kW load resolution across the load range
- Load entry in kW or Amps
- DC instrumentation with high speed data sampling to 0.5% accuracy
- Automatic sequencing by load profile programmes, % of actual load or supply
- Chart recorder data capture
- Multi-lingual display (4 languages)
Fusion Battery Discharge System
The Fusion control system provides Crestchic’s range of DC load banks with a facility to perform constant-current or constant-power discharge tests. It comprises of a high performance microprocessor housed within the load bank enclosure providing supervisory operation & monitoring, along with real-time data acquisition from the load bank instrumentation and a PC based operator interface for total control and reporting.
- Accurate battery discharge
- Single or multiple loadbank control (incl proportional load-sharing)
- Typical 1kW load resolution across the a loadbank range
- Constant current or constant power discharge modes
- Voltage, kW, current 7 elapsed time display
- Auto termination of discharge test based on time and/or min voltage
- Discharge curve data recorded
- Battery summary reports

Frequent Questions
What Load Bank Packages Do You Have?
We provide load bank packages ranging from 100kW to 7000kW and Multi-MVA solutions for turnkey projects, Have a look at our product range page on this site for more details
What Experience Do You Have?
Crestchic was formed in 1983 and has steadily grown to our position today as the industry leading manufacturer and supplier of loadbank solutions. We work for major players in all sectors ranging from Oil and Gas, Marine and Shipbuilding to Healthcare, Building Managers and Data Centers. We understand the complexities faced by businesses and have solutions tailored to suit the needs.
Where Do You Operate?
Our operations are spread across the globe, covering all seven continents. With our HQ in Burton-on-Trent in the UK, we have bases in Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and the United States of America.
Do You Have Any Certification?
Crestchic Limited, the world leader in load bank technology for the testing and commissioning of power generation systems, now hold not only the highest Quality Assurance ISO type (9001-2015), but additionally has now been accredited with the current environmental standard (ISO14001) and current health &safety accreditation (ISO45001).

Crestchic Loadbanks acquisition expands reach in UAE
Crestchic Loadbanks, a global leader in load testing solutions, has announced the acquisition of the loadbanks rental division of Gulf Incon International. The deal expands Crestchic’s coverage in the UAE, doubling the number of employees in the region, and giving the...

Load banks are primarily used for testing electrical power output on diesel generators, gas turbines and UPS systems whilst carrying out commissioning and maintenance work.
The load banks are used for simulating real electrical loads enabling essential setup and commissioning which ensures that all electrical and control parameters are met prior to power generation/back up equipment being energized on line.